CPHIMS/CAHIMS Certification

CPHIMS/CAHIMS Certification Exam Reimbursement Program

Certified Professional in Healthcare Information & Management Systems (CPHIMS)/ Certified Associate in Healthcare Information & Management Systems(CAHIMS)

PURPOSE: Promote awareness and financial help for members to attain CPHIMS or CAHIMS Certification.    

AMOUNT: Reimbursement of exam fee for the first five (5) members who send proof of their CPHIMS or CAHIMS certification. Limit one per person.


  • Resident of Houston, Texas metropolitan area
  • Member of HIMSS and Houston Chapter of HIMSS


  • Copy of the test score
  • Copy CPHIMS/CAHIMS Certificate
  • Receipt of the payment
  • Proofs of exam site location and date of the exam


DEADLINE: 5PM (CST) June 30, 2018, or sooner if all five have already been awarded.

First five confirmed applicants will be reimbursed, per date/time of email submission.

Submit applications by email to: Juliana Brixey at jjbrixey@gmail.com

If you would like to obtain detailed information about CPHIMS/CAHIMS, please access the visit www.himss.org <http://www.himss.org/health-it-certification>

About Houston Chapter of HIMSS: http://houston.himsschapters.org/

HIMSS member options: http://www.himss.org/membership

CPHIMS Certification Exam Fees
$270 = HIMSS Individual Organizational Affiliate Member

$300 = HIMSS Regular, Corporate

$300 = Student Member

$375 = Non-Member

CAHIMS Certification Exam Fees
$140 = HIMSS Organizational Affiliate Member
$175 = HIMSS Member
$225 = Non-Member