Julius Bogdan

Areas of Expertise

  • Digital transformation
  • Data and analytics
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Recent Press Coverage

Social Media

Committees/Panel/Association Participation

  • American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
  • American Health Information Management Association
  • American Hospital Associations (AHA)
  • Colorado Healthcare Strategy & Management
  • Healthcare Data & Analytics Association (HDAA)
  • Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SOPE)
  • Colorado eHealth Commission Care Coordination

Areas of Interest

  • Blockchain
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Design thinking

Points of View

I am interested in the junction of digital transformation and health outcomes. How do you measure and understand where organizations are in their digital transformation journey? How can healthcare organizations utilize their digital capacities to improve their patient outcomes, sustainability, and operational efficiency? With the flow of data in this new digital paradigm, how do we get to insights that drive the next generation of initiatives? 

We take the latest in academic research, healthcare provider data, and partnerships with the health tech vendor community to build tools and deep insights. We keep a pulse on where the industry is today and where it is headed the areas of EMR adoption and optimization, Clinically Integrated Supply Chain, Healthcare Analytics, Diagnostic Imaging, Digital Infrastructure, Community Outcomes, and Digital Health Transformation.

I joined HIMSS because of its mission to realize the full health potential of every human everywhere, and because it gives me a platform to impact healthcare on a global scale. I get to work alongside luminaries in the industry and help distill their work into focus areas that are applicable across the healthcare continuum.  

Analytics has always been a part of my DNA throughout my career whether it was in the early data mining days through utilizing neural networks to create predictive models for various populations and ED utilization. Artificial Intelligence has really started to take off in many industries and it is starting to make significant inroads in healthcare as well. At HIMSS, I get to work with and learn from advanced healthcare practitioners across the globe to understand the benefits and pitfalls of AI in healthcare. This gives me invaluable insight into what is required to successfully create and implement AI and Analytic solutions including AI lifecycle management, training, monitoring for fit and drift, and integrating predictive models into clinical workflows. 

Blockchain is an interesting technology that could have significant applications in healthcare but is at a nescient stage. Applications such as utilizing NFTs to encapsulate patient data for clinical trials, smart contracts to provide secure information exchange, and utilizing blockchain to optimize supply chains. There is a lot of promise in this space but there is also a lot of work to address some of the shortcomings of the technology. 

A hospital system has a tremendous number of “things” and as those things become more integrated into systems there is a tremendous amount of value that can be unlocked in healthcare settings. Internet of Things can help unlock that potential to help drive near real-time time patient monitoring and coupled with AI could be integrated into protocols and pathways to reduce adverse events, improve patient outcomes, and reduce the length of stay. Taking data streams from the myriad of things and integrating it into meaningful data and then analyzing the data to deduce the signal from the noise is critical in making IoT more impactful. 

Healthcare needs to borrow paradigms from other industries to keep up with the pace of change that is accelerating in our industry. Paradigms such as design thinking, agile, and six sigma are all applicable to healthcare and can help with ideation, implementation, and process improvement across the healthcare spectrum.  

Healthcare is on the precipice of breakthrough innovations due to the convergence of these technologies. It is an exciting time to be at HIMSS and work with visionaries in healthcare.