
Chapter Sponsored Scholarship Opportunity

Is your chapter interested in giving back? Support a scholarship for your chapter members through the HIMSS Foundation. We've had the good fortune of having several chapters participate in this longstanding program, and hope that others will join in on this wonderful way to recognize student members by supporting their career development!

The HIMSS Foundation will provide:

  • Registration for recipient to attend the HIMSS Global Health Conference;
  • Airfare for recipient to travel to conference;
  • Two-night hotel stay for recipient near conference location;
  • $5,000 scholarship;
  • $200 honoraria;
  • Online application and judging tools to ensure quality recipient chosen;
  • Announcement of call for applications to HIMSS membership and marketing of the chapter scholarship call for applications; and
  • Scholarship applications reviewed and selected by members of the HIMSS Professional Development Committee.

The Chapter will receive:

  • Recognition throughout the year in HIMSS’ publications, at meetings/events, on the website and in foundation materials.

Cost to the chapter: *$7,500

*Payments for chapter scholarships are due to HIMSS no later than October 30, 2020.  

If you are interested in participating, please contact DonVielle Young,, by COB Friday, September 25, 2020.