Professional Development

The Importance of Health IT: A Journey from the C-Suite

Chris Sloan currently serves as a member of the HIMSS Professional Development Committee.

As the Executive Vice President of Medical Operations at LoyalSource and an experienced Chief Operating Officer with a robust background in acute care hospitals, I've come to understand the pivotal role health information technology (HIT) plays in modern healthcare. My first "aha" moment regarding the importance of HIT occurred at the HIMSS National Conference in Orlando in 2019. The sheer number of vendors and solutions presented there was overwhelming, revealing problems I hadn't even known existed. This realization underscored the necessity of embracing, learning, and incorporating HIT into all facets of executive decision-making.

Embracing Health IT: A Personal Journey

Before my exposure to the HIMSS Global Health Conference and Exhibition, my focus was primarily on operational efficiency, patient care, and strategic leadership. However, the conference opened my eyes to the vast array of technological solutions available in the marketplace. These solutions ranged from AI-driven data analytics to advanced Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, each promising to streamline operations, improve patient outcomes, and enhance overall efficiency.

In my role as COO at Texas Vista Medical Center, I leveraged a multitude of analytic tools and HIT technology to drive significant improvements in various areas of the hospital’s book of business, including:

  1. Quality Improvement: By embracing a "Just Culture," implementing patient rounding practices, and utilizing analytics at the departmental level, we achieved a remarkable jump in our Hospital Leapfrog score from a D to a B. This significant improvement in quality was propelled by Health IT systems, which provided comprehensive data analytics for tracking performance and informing decision-making. Real-time data capture and analysis from our EHR system catalyzed continuous improvements in patient care processes and outcomes. Leadership engagement and the strategic application of quality data metrics established a framework for sustainable quality enhancements and operational efficiencies.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Through the implementation of data analytics and by fully leveraging our Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, we have achieved a significant reduction in the Geometric Mean Length of Stay (GMLOS), from 2.1 to 0.7 days. Reducing the length of stay is a critical goal for healthcare institutions and it necessitates a collaborative approach across multiple functions. The precision and clear visualizations provided by well-structured data have leveled the playing field among providers, nursing leadership, ancillary support staff, and administrative personnel. This has enabled all parties to utilize actionable data in developing measurable plans and tracking outcomes.
  3. Service Line Growth: By enhancing our direct admit outreach and Behavioral Health (BH) service line contracts, we significantly increased our inpatient daily census from 100 to 190. This surge necessitated the expansion of all ancillary services to meet the new demand. During this growth period, Health Information Technology (Health IT) played a pivotal role in streamlining workflows, enabling better patient data management, and facilitating seamless communication between departments. Sophisticated Health IT systems provide the necessary infrastructure to provide the required increase in data specificity, support decision-making, and maintain high-quality care delivery. As a result, we were able to optimize operational efficiency and improve overall service to our patients.

Advice for Aspiring HIT Professionals

For those looking to enter the field of health IT, whether you're a high school student or a seasoned professional, here are some key pieces of advice:

  1. Start Small, Think Big: My favorite leadership quote is, "What can you do right now?" This ties into the concept of incremental improvement. Just as 1.0365 = 1.0 however 1.01365 = 37.8. Doing just 1% more each day is easy. The great benefit is that it compounds over time into greatness. Begin with small, manageable projects and build from there.
  2. Embrace Lifelong Learning: The field of HIT is ever-evolving. Stay updated with the latest technologies and trends by joining and actively participating in activities, chapter functions, and committee membership opportunities. Certifications such as CPHIMS, FACHE, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and CPPS have been instrumental in my career, providing me with the tools to drive process improvement and enhance patient safety.
  3. Network and Seek Mentorship: Understand that 70-75% of manager and executive job hires stem from strategic networking and mentorship. Active involvement in reputable organizations like HIMSS is invaluable and provides an inside track to professional growth and development. Such memberships foster connections and offer mentorship that can unlock new career doors and yield critical insights. Serving as a National Committee member and an Executive Board Member for the South Texas Chapter of HIMSS has undoubtedly bolstered my professional journey, illustrating the impactful advantages these affiliations provide.
  4. Utilize Available Resources: The HIMSS Resource Center boasts a comprehensive suite of articles and tools designed to empower the career trajectories of healthcare IT professionals. These resources include engaging webinars that provide career insights from industry veterans and guidance for navigating professional challenges in healthcare informatics. Additionally, HIMSS offers access to an array of professional development opportunities, including targeted networking events, mentorship programs, and strategic career advice tailored to both early careerists and experienced professionals. Delve into in-depth articles that cover a variety of pertinent topics within HIT, reinforcing best practices and enabling you to stay at the forefront of this dynamic field.

A Call to Action

Health IT is no longer just a support function; it is a field where innovation meets impact. Embark on a transformative journey within HIT and become a pivotal element in healthcare's strategic and operational fabric. Embrace this evolution, and you will unlock the potential to revolutionize patient care and operational efficiency dramatically.

For those aspiring to forge a path in HIT, take heart in knowing that while the road may be challenging, the fruits of your labor promise to be extraordinary. Initiate your adventure with modest steps, nourish a relentless curiosity, and actively pursue continuous learning and growth. As the tides of healthcare shift and swell, your commitment to mastering HIT will be indispensable. Stand at the helm as a vanguard of healthcare excellence, shaping a future where technology and compassion converge to elevate the human condition.


At the HIMSS Global Health Conference and Exhibition in Orlando in 2019, it was that "aha" moment that changed my perspective on health IT forever. As I walked through the vast exhibition halls filled with hundreds of vendors, I realized the sheer volume of technological solutions available to address problems I hadn't even identified yet. This experience was a turning point, highlighting the critical role that HIT would play in my future executive decisions.

From that pivotal conference to applying these technologies in hospital operations, I've seen firsthand the game-changing impact of HIT. It's become an indispensable element in streamlining healthcare practices and improving patient care. For those aspiring to excel in health IT, start with simple beginnings, commit to ongoing learning, build your professional network, and utilize all available resources. Embrace the pivotal role of health IT – it's not just supportive; it's foundational, driving progress and leading to meaningful successes in the healthcare sector.

The views and opinions expressed in this content or by commenters are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of HIMSS or its affiliates.