Data Science

Next Stop, the Cloud: Connected Health on the Brink of a New Age in Asia-Pacific

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Entering a New Era of Connected Health in Asia-Pacific Through the Cloud

Asia-Pacific countries are starting to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic with lessons learned from their response. They are building on the value of their experiences to continue pursuing their digital transformation goals. 

Many of them are now considering extending the role of cloud computing to support their next phase of transformation. While some have already transitioned to public and hybrid cloud models for EMR systems or individual services, this is still relatively uncharted territory in healthcare. Cloud computing and digital technologies do have the potential to enable and enhance connected health systems, but there are barriers, concerns and weaknesses that can hinder adoption and innovation.

HIMSS held a roundtable on 19 October 2022 to examine how cloud computing can help APAC countries drive digital transformation. Government representatives and regional health authorities from around APAC shared challenges in cloud adoption and discussed ways to overcome them by looking at pioneering models in the United States and some European countries.

In the roundtable, HIMSS also offered its five key policy recommendations, which together form its vision of connected health. Read the full report below to get all the insights.