Chat with Speakers Live Q&A Session:

Chat with Speakers Live: Bring your questions, it's time to ask these experts what you really want to know.  Choose one of two options.

OPTION 1. Investment Strategies: Where to Place your Bets
 - Katya Hancock, StartUp Health

OPTION 2. HIMSS Consumer Perception Research
 - Kerry Amato, HIMSS
 - Robert Havasy, Personal Connected Health Alliance, HIMSS  

Session Details

November 18, 2020
3:55 PM - 4:10 PM


Katya Hancock
Investor Network Director
StartUp Health
United States
Robert Havasy
Senior Director
Personal Connected Health Alliance, HIMSS
United States
Kerry Amato
Executive Director, Health Innovation
Indu Subaiya
President and Co-Founder
Catalyst @ Health 2.0