Healthcare Systems, a 360 Degree Approach

Healthcare/EMR systems have been traditionally patient centric, in the northern hemisphere systems, or administrative/RCM driven in the southern hemisphere. We look at both approaches as important, patient care as well as the sustainability of the operation; hence, a 360 degrees, end-to-end approach. This can start only from the core business of a healthcare facility, namely patient care processes, which should produce the revenue and dictate/guide consumptions and hence procurements. Given this holistic approach, it has been possible to achieve a balanced equilibrium that increases positive outcomes for the patients, while controlling and in many instances even cut costs. This, along with incorporating new technologies, such as wearable devices, mobile devices and teleconsultations, is guaranteed to dramatically improve satisfaction of both patients and providers.

Session Details

November 20, 2022
2:10 PM - 2:25 PM

Brought to you by:


Nasser Shehata
Chief Executive Officer
Health Insights