HIMSS + ANA Nursing Innovation Series: Addressing the Role of Technology, Education, and Equity Amidst Rapid Developments in Healthcare Delivery

Join our formally and self-described panel of nursing innovators and disruptors! What trends should we be watching? Whether you are leading a healthcare system, academia, or startups – the rate and scale of change happening across the healthcare industry is accelerating. Learn how these leaders are addressing the role of technology, education, and equity. Learn how these leaders are managing the pace of change and hurdles they plan to span next.

Session Details

April 15, 2021
12:54 PM - 1:39 PM


Rae Walker
Associate Professor and PhD Program Director
UMASS Amherst College of Nursing
Ruth De Souza
Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow
School of Art, College of Design and Social Context, RMIT University
Kathleen McGrow
Chief Nursing Information Officer
Microsoft Health & Life Science Industry Team
Robbie Freeman
Vice President, Clinical Innovation
Mount Sinai Health System
United States