HIMSS + ANA Nursing Innovation Series: NursePitch™ – Where Are They Now?

What a difference a year makes! Learn how past NursePitch™ winners have leveraged their "pitching" experience to move their work forward, and how they handled the bumps, twists, and unexpected detours along the way. You will hear from previous judges about what makes a great pitch. Then we turn the tables, allowing our NursePitch™ winners to ask questions and get advice from our judges.

Session Details

January 14, 2021
12:15 PM - 1:05 PM


Lisa Ousley
Assistant Professor of Nursing
East Tennessee State University
United States
Betty Jo Rocchio
Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
United States
Joyce Sensmeier
Senior Advisor, Informatics
United States
Kathleen McGrow
Chief Nursing Information Officer
Microsoft Health & Life Science Industry Team
Callie Patel
Director, Innovation Consulting
United States
Dr Bianca Gonzalez
Founder and CEO
United States
Sangeeta Agarawal
founder and CEO
Helpsy Health
United States