Innovation Scan: Virtual Care Platforms

The IPO boom of 2019 injected new life into the digital health landscape culminating in the second-largest funding year ever. Many were anticipating a slow down in 2020, and as the COVID-19 pandemic and a recession became reality, experts became increasingly mixed on how investors would react. However, the need for virtual care has increased and we’ve seen dollars flood into telehealth platforms as well as blockbuster mergers and acquisitions. 2020 is now on pace to be the largest funding year ever in digital health.

In this session, hear from Rock Health’s Chief Operating Officer Megan Zweig as she shares insights and data on what led to this year of unexpected investments in virtual care, as well as what conditions will impact the rest of 2020.

Session Details

September 29, 2020
1:40 PM - 1:50 PM


Megan Zweig
Chief Operating Officer
Rock Health
Jonah Comstock
Editor-in-Chief and Director, Content Development
United States