Personalised and Precision Health - A Patient-Centered Experience

Precision health promotes a much-needed shift from acute to preventive health and care. How can patient-generated health data captured from wearables, apps and genomics be transformed into actionable insights to motivate patients to take greater control of their own health? This session will explore personalised, individualised care and what it means to patients and citizens. Experts will discuss strategies and innovative approaches in moving toward precision health and precision medicine, taking a look at how new technologies, biomarkers and epigenetics can be incorporated into holistic pathways for patients. They will also consider the ways personalised and precision health can help promote health literacy, self care and self-management, empowering patients to be implicated and involved in their own care plans and decision-making across their life course. The session will also highlight best practices and how to address the challenges that arise along the way.


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about personalised, individualised care and what it means to patients and citizens.

  • Examine how precision health is incorporating new technologies, biomarkers, and epigenetics into holistic pathways for patients.

  • Understand how using actionable insights from patient-generated health data can support patients to take greater control of their own health.

Session Details

November 21, 2022
9:40 AM - 10:30 AM


Dr Ihsan Almarzooqi
Co-Founder and Managing Director
GluCare Integrated Diabetes Center LLC
United Arab Emirates
Dr Mohamad Takwa
Prof Xin Gao
Professor of Computer Science and Interim Director, Computational Bioscience Research Center
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Saudi Arabia
Prof Mowafa Househ
Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Hamad Bin Khalifa University / University of Victoria