The World's First Cross-Border Digital Health Accreditation Framework Programme: The NordDEC

HIMSS 2020 set the challenge that the Nordics could be The World’s First Cross-Border Digital Health Framework. In this breakfast session, experts discuss digital transformation in health care, the importance of preventative care and how the Nordics are establishing a system for healthcare providers to evaluate and identify trusted digital health technologies within healthcare and preventive care. The panel will also present the launch of the NordDEC - The World’s first cross-border digital health accreditation framework programme

Session Details

June 15, 2022
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM


Nasim Farrokhnia
Senior Advisor Health, Chair
Microsoft, eHealth Doctors in Sweden
Nima Jokilaakso
Senior Advisor
Business Finland
Mrs Ann Granqvist
Program Officer
The Swedish Ehealth Agency
Tim Andrews
COO & Co-Founder
Anders Tunold-Hanssen
CEO & Project Manager
Nordic Interoperability Project
Ms Liz Ashall-Payne
CEO & Founder
ORCHA Healthcare
United Kingdom