Alexander Meyer

Chief Medical Information Officer, Professor of Clinical AI and Data Science
German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB), Charité

Alexander Meyer is Charité Professor of Clinical AI and Data Science, Chief Medical Information Officer at the DHZB, group leader at DHZB‘s
Medical Data Science Group and senior resident in cardiothoracic surgery at the Clinic for Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at the German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB). Before his career as a physician-scientist, Dr. Meyer worked as a computer scientist and software developer. End 2016, he was selected into the Clinician Scientist Program at the Berlin Institute for Health (BiH) of the Charité, from 2018 to 2020 he was participant of the Digital Health Accelerator program, during which he launched the DHZB spin-off x-cardiac – a digital health company, that provides real-time digital biomarkers for postoperative risk stratification. He is PI in serveral large collaborative research projects and centers, such as the Berlin Institute of Foundation of Data and Learning.

His research field comprises medical data science, big data analytics, applied deep learning/machine learning, medical informatics for heart surgery/ transcatheter structural heart therapeutics.