September 22 - 24, 2024
| San Antonio
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Eng Charles Parisot

Principal & Chief Executive
InteropEhealth, IHE Europe representative to Catalyst

Charles Parisot is a member of IHE-Europe and IHE International.  He also represents IHE-Europe at the General Assembly of IHE-Catalyst a not-for-profit that proivdes guidance to ehealth projects world-wide .  He is advising a number of national eHealth initiatives around the world on the management of their standards-based interoperability strategies.

He has spent a large part of his career with GE Healthcare until he retired early 2019.  He was in charge of IT interoperability architecture standardization where he represented GE Healthcare in key national, regional and hospital initiatives to advance widespread interoperability in Health.

Through his extensive experience in contributing to a user driven harmonization and implementation of interoperability standards, Charles has earned the trust of many healthcare user communities in the USA, Europe, Middle-east and Africa to effectively achieve the rapid adoption of interoperability standards using a collaborative approach. He has acquired a broad range of experiences with several national ehealth programs on the governance and operational deployment of interoperability at scale.

Charles is directly engaged in standards development with DICOM and HL7 since the early 1990s. Charles was one of the key contributors in the European eHealth Standards Mandate.  He also participated to the European epSOS and ANTILOPE projects that delivered recommendations to the European Commission on how to organize effectively the European-wide agreement on eHealth interoperability specifications across the 27 European countries.  He is also contributed to the European large-scale eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure (eHDSi) adressing Cross-Border excahnge of patient summaries, prescriptions and extending to laboratory reports and imaging reports and examination images (X-Health). eHDSI based its interoperability specification on IHE profiles and leverage in its deployement the use of IHE test tools.