Dr Chris Bates

Director of Research & Analytics
United Kingdom

Chris is a data scientist and developer at TPP and holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Manchester. Chris leads TPP’s work in the use of EHR data to support analytics, research, and surveillance. He has previously been recognised by the Health Service Journal (HSJ) as one of the top 50 innovators in UK healthcare.

In recent years, Chris led the TPP team which contributed to the development of the national Electronic Frailty Index (eFI). He is involved in a number of national research programmes, including in cancer survivorship and antimicrobial resistance. He works closely with the UK Biobank team, helping to combine EHR data with genomic information to support their vital research.

Chris also has a strong interest in clinical terminologies and open standards for interoperability. He has spoken on many digital health topics at large conferences, including at both SNOMED CT Expos and at Health Datapalooza in the US. He is an active researcher and has co-authored a number of academic papers in prominent journals, such as Science.

As part of TPP’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Chris has been a key member of the OpenSAFELY collaborative and has helped build a large, secure platform for national Covid-19 research. He is also leading TPP’s support of the PRINCIPLE trial at the University of Oxford, aiming to discover whether selected treatments can improve Covid-19 outcomes.