Mr Jean- Hyoung Lee

Manager, IT Infrastructure
Samsung Medical Center
South Korea

Jeanhyoung Lee started working at Samsung Seoul Hospital in 2009 after working as an IT service manager at GE Healthcare. He took charge of the medical imaging IT field and the hospital computer infrastructure management operation, and since 2017 and have been working as an IT infrastructure manager for the entire hospital.

He received the Minister of Health and Welfare Award for his efforts in exchanging medical images between hospitals in 2020. In November 2021, SMC received the HIMSS INFRAM 6 certification for the third time in the world, and in April 2022. He played a pivotal role in receiving the HIMSS INFRAM 7 for the first time in the world. .

Jeanhyoung Lee is currently working on IT innovation for hospitals, and iso an expert in HL7, CDA, DPS, and DICOM. He majored in Applied Electronics Engineering at university, majored in virtual endoscopy 3D imaging at graduate school, and completed a Ph.D. in Convergence Engineering in 2017.