Prof Joana Feijo

Business Development Director
Health Cluster Portugal

Joana Feijó holds a degree in Microbiology from the Catholic University, a master’s degree in Basic and Molecular Biology and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from ICBAS. Near 20 years of her professional career were spent in the private sector working on business strategy, product development and commercialization in the Healthcare industry. From 2015-18 Joana has been developing a tech start-up on the Tourism area aside with consultancy projects on the Healthcare sector. Joana worked at CRITICAL Group between 2009-2015, where she has passed through different companies: from Critical Health & Oncaring, through Critical Software and Coimbra Genomics. Before joining CRITICAL, Joana has worked 3 years at ALERT Life Sciences Computing, as the Director of Clinical Content and Functional Analysis Dept. During those years, she has worked on the company internationalization to the BR, USA, UK and NL markets. Joana is now part of the Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) Executive team as Business Development Director.