September 22 - 24, 2024
| San Antonio
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Dr Manal AlMalki

Dean of Faculty of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Jazan University
Saudi Arabia

Dean for Faculty of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and Associate Professor at Health Informatics Dept, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. Recognised as an innovation leader and one of the 50future leaders in healthcare IT for the Middle East by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). Awarded the Elsevier-Zimam Award of Excellence in eHealth Workforce Development. Leader of the Saudi Health Informatics Competencies Framework Working Group, and member of the National Advisory Committee for Health Informatics at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in Riyadh. Working with passion in Health Informatics education, workforce development, and digital health systems and applications. Awarded many certificates of appreciation for excellence in research, and in leadership.