Ms Pauline Massart

Avisa Partners

Pauline Massart is a Partner at the Brussels office of Avisa Partners, where she manages cyber and strategic intelligence activities, working with and for EU institutions, NATO and the private sector. She oversees all cyber and strategic intelligence projects, and supports the organization of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC). 

Pauline was previously Head of Media & Communication at the European Defence Agency, after before that spent 8 years at the Brussels-based think-tank Friends of Europe (previously the Security & Defence Agenda), heading the Peace, Security & Defence Programme. She began her career in the defence industry, after studying at King’s College London, the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and Leiden University in the Netherlands. Pauline is a member of Women in International Security (WIIS) Brussels, of which she used to be Vice President, and was a co-founder of the Brussels Binder, the online female expert database dedicated to more diversity in EU policy debates. She speaks English, French, German and Italian.