Mrs Rikke Lyngholm

Programme Manager
Odense University Hospital

Mrs. Rikke Lyngholm Hansen-Christensen, Programme Manager at CIMT.

Rikke has worked with innovation at OUH Odense University Hospital for more than 10 years. As part of the innovation team at the hospital she has worked with project development, leadership and strategic innovation and has been involved in a number of innovation projects related to digital health solutions to support patients and staff. 
Recently, one of the main focus areas for Rikke has been digital transformation and culture with a special focus on workforce competencies and skills in an increasingly digital healthcare sector. 

Since 2021 Rikke has been the Programme Manager for Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT), a joint research and innovation centre between Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark. In CIMT she works in close collaboration with clinical departments at the hospital, researchers, patients and relatives as well as strategic partners in other hospitals and healthcare organisations, local municipalities, general practice and industry partners. 

The activities in CIMT are also closely linked to the activities in Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR) and Centre for Clinical AI (CAI-X), the two additional research and innovation centres between OUH and the university.