Mr Timo Tyrväinen

Chief Economist
Climate Leadership Coalition

Since 2017, PhD Timo Tyrväinen is the Chief Economist of Climate Leadership Coalition, Finland. He also chairs CLC´s Finance theme group.

In 1998-2014 Tyrvainen acted as the Chief Economist of Aktia Bank, Finland, and in 2014-16 as the Senior Advisor to the bank. In 1975-98, he belonged to the staff of the Bank of Finland. During his central banking years, Timo worked with the OECD Economics Department in1982-83 and the OECD Job Study Task Force in 1993-94. In London School of Economics he stayed as an Academic Visitor in 1989. Before leaving central banking, he carried out in Banco de España, Madrid, 1997-98, a joint study related to likely inflation differentials between countries probable to join the then future EMU.

Tyrväinen chaired the European Council of Economists (Conference Board) 2003-2005 and the Asso­ciation of Finnish Economists 2009-10. Since 2016, he chairs Myrskyvaroitus – Storm Warning ry, an association designed to promote citizens’ understanding of multi-dimensional challenges related to climate change.

In 2016, Timo Tyrväinen earned the Certified Business Economist™ (CBETM) designation which is a certification mark owned by the NABE, National Association for Business Economics, USA.

Besides his career as an economist, Timo has been performing as a singer and guitar player in Taljanka, a musical group founded in 1975. The group has released 13 albums and performed in numerous concerts and TV-shows. In 2020, Taljanka celebrated it’s 45th anniversary with a concert in Savoy Theatre, Helsinki.  

In his capability as a songwriter, Timo was 2010-13 member of the board of TEOSTO, the copyright organisation of Finnish composers and lyricists. He acted as the chair of the newly founded TEOSTO-investment fund in 2013-14. In 2007-2014 he chaired ProOpera, the association of the friends of the Finnish National Opera.