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Healthcare IT News

Healthcare IT News is the industry’s authoritative source covering the people, policy and technology driving next-generation healthcare in the U.S. For more than 12 years, it has been the voice of health IT, delivering editorial insights about compelling topics such as electronic health records, health information exchange, privacy and security, data analytics, patient engagement, population health and revenue cycle management.

With over 54,000 print readers and nearly 181,000 unique visitors a month, it is the place healthcare decision-makers go for timely, actionable news and analysis on the ever-changing health and healthcare landscape.

Healthcare IT News is part of HIMSS Media, the fastest growing B2B media group focused exclusively on healthcare and technology markets. Through its suite of market-leading brands, such as Healthcare IT News, Healthcare Finance and MobiHealthNews, HIMSS Media delivers news, analysis and must-have information to an audience of senior healthcare and technology influencers. HIMSS Media is also the leading producer of important live events, such as the Privacy & Security Forum, Pop Health Forum, Revenue Cycle Solutions Summit and Big Data and Healthcare Analytics Forum.

June 28, 2024
HIMSSCast: Fighting back against healthcare misinformation in the era of social media and genAI
June 28, 2024
AI has a role to play during the patient intake process
June 28, 2024
ONC releases draft USCDI+ dataset for maternal health
June 28, 2024
FV Hospital leverages AI for myopia control and more briefs