Diversity in Healthcare Security: Breaking Barriers, Improving Care

It’s not just in health IT and security, but across healthcare, when it comes to promoting gender and ethnic diversity in leadership, the industry has made progress, but by most accounts, still has a long ways to go. For example, women make up 80% of the healthcare workforce, but only 25% of the c-suite, and minority women comprise just 3% of the c-suite, according to a 2019 industry report.

In a society growing increasingly diverse, diversity in healthcare leadership is critical to, among other things, promote community and employee trust and confidence in the organization, all of which improves care.

In this session, female security leaders sit down and discuss their rise to senior leadership. They’ll cover their education and career paths, the necessary skills and expertise required, and the challenges they overcame. Importantly, they’ll share their best advice to help women and members of other under represented groups navigate the security landscape to achieve their career goals.

Session Details

December 7, 2020
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM


Teresa Tonthat
Chief Technology and Security Officer
Texas's Children
Tressa Springmann
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Lifebridge Health
Anahi Santiago
Chief Information Security Officer
United States