Charles Drayton

Chief Technical Architect and Healthcare Life Sciences Lead

Charles Drayton the Chief Technical Architect and Healthcare Life Sciences Lead at the Microsoft Technology Center (MTC) in Chicago, Illinois. Primarily focusing on Business Applications, Charles helps his customers transform the way they engage their patients, employees, and partners. Some of the core engagements Charles offers include healthcare envisioning workshops, advisory briefings, pre-implementation sessions, architecture designs, Proofs of Concept, hackathons, and various design thinking seminars to help customers optimize their investment in Microsoft technology. Charles has an extensive background in healthcare and life sciences, having designed or implemented a wide variety of systems for some of the nation’s largest providers, payers, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies. In addition to his work at Microsoft, Charles is an assistant instructor at Northwestern University, teaching Technology Ethics and Organizational Change Management, and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Healthcare Analytics and Artificial Intelligence at Northwestern University.