AI-Powered Care Pathways: Transforming the Patient Journey

AI has the potential to revolutionise care, enable advances in research, and dramatically improve patient outcomes. During this session experts in the field will take a deep dive into how AI can impact cardiology, using it as an example that could be applied to the treatment and prevention of other noncommunicable diseases. In some settings AI is being combined with clinical practice, such as with electrocardiogram (ECG) machine learning, to improve care. How can AI support more precise planning and delivery of healthcare, resulting in better patient outcomes, lower costs and greater efficiencies? We will follow the AI-powered journey of a patient with chronic disease, demonstrating how their care is being transformed by technology. 


​​Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the potential for AI to be applied to the treatment and prevention of noncommunicable disease.
  • Examine the AI-powered journey of a patient with chronic disease.
  • Learn about what is on the horizon for AI in cardiology and other therapeutic areas.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Supported by:


Christina Busmalis
Director, Life Science Industry, EMEA
Google Cloud
Prof Panos Vardas
Chief Strategy Officer
European Society of Cardiology
Alexander Meyer
Chief Medical Information Officer, Professor of Clinical AI and Data Science
German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB), Charité
Prof Karol Sikora
Chief Medical Officer
Rutherford Health
United Kingdom