Climate Crisis: Healthcare's Responsibility to Our Planet

The global climate crisis poses the greatest risk to human health but also the biggest opportunity for technological innovation. Air pollution alone claims seven million premature deaths a year, the WHO warns, and steals millions of years of quality of life through debilitating disease. In the shadows of this crisis, lies the hidden health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a problem exacerbated by global warming that, if left unchecked, could claim as many as 10 million lives a year by 2050 and undermine decades of medical progress. What are the links between climate change and AMR and why is a similar approach needed to tackle both challenges, based on multi-sector collaboration, education, and behaviour change? Gathering experts in each field, this session will explore how rapid digital transformation of healthcare can be delivered in an eco-sustainable way, ensuring the recent explosion of data and technology in patient care helps to solve and not exacerbate the problems. Learn from countries that are leading the way in placing ambitious net-zero goals at the heart of digital transformation, and how national efforts are being amplified through initiatives like the COP26 Health Programme, enabling transformational change to protect the health of people and the planet.

Duplex with Paris

Session in collaboration with the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

*This event is not organized by the French government. However, the organizer has been authorized by the French government to use the official logo of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Session Details

June 16, 2022
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Endorsed by

MIN Solidarites Sante
Logo of presidency


Ronald Lavater
Chief Executive Officer, Committee Member
International Hospital Federation, The Geneva Centre of Healthcare Leadership for Sustainability
Nancy Jennings
Health Advisor and AMR Lead for the UK's Mission to the EU in Brussels
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Mr Timo Tyrväinen
Chief Economist
Climate Leadership Coalition
Isabelle Kumar
Former Euronews anchor, Carer, Disability Rights Campaigner, President, Autisme, Ambition, Avenir, France
Dr Brigitte Seroussi
Director in Charge of Digital Health Ethics
DNS, French Ministry of Solidarity & Health