Telehealth Masterclass: Beyond Technology: Blending Approaches and Perfecting Soft Skills for Optimal Use of Telehealth

The pandemic heralded a new era for telehealth across the world, when it was often the only option to protect the clinical workforce and keep vulnerable patients safe. Emerging from the crisis, it is essential that telehealth is embedded into mainstream services in a way that enhances – rather than replaces - traditional modalities.  Beyond the technology, this session will focus on the workforce skills required to maximise the use of telehealth in a new hybrid approach to care that seeks to achieve the perfect blend of digital and in-person consultation. Expert speakers from across the EU region will examine the skills required from a provider perspective, including softer communication skills, assessment and decision making via virtual consultation. Then in a second session, experts will explore how systems have organised the upskilling of the workforce to bridge digital skills gaps to adapt to new modes of virtual care delivery from an organisational/national level perspective.

Session Details

June 14, 2022
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Supported by:


Dr Rebecca Rosen
Senior Fellow
Valenrine Health Partnership
United Kingdom
Dr Kalle Conneryd Lundgren
Chief Clinical Operations Officer
Dr Janne Aaltonen
Finnish Medical Association
Mr Marc Beswick
National Lead - Near Me Network
Scottish Government
United Kingdom
Mrs Rikke Lyngholm
Programme Manager
Odense University Hospital
Prof Kaija Puura
Professor of Child Psychiatry and Chief Physician
Department of Child Psychiatry of Tampere University Hospital
Fugel Huisman
Product Management Director Virtual Care