Enabling Digital Champions

Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours around digital capability can enable healthcare professionals to provide the most effective care. Digital champions within an organisation can help to improve digital literacy capabilities of their health and care colleagues by increasing their motivation, understanding and confidence to use digital technology. This in turn can increase the uptake and adoption of new digital tools and technologies, ultimately transforming the provision of patient care. Anyone can become a digital champion, but how can we build a pipeline of people who are willing to take on these important roles? In this session we will explore how to build the right team to support your digitally mature hospital or organisation. Experts will look at new hybrid opportunities, roles and programmes. There will also be discussion of the NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, which aims to help clinical and non-clinical staff develop innovative solutions to challenges facing the NHS.


Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of digital champions within healthcare organisations.
  • Explore strategies to build a pipeline of digital champions.
  • Learn about the NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, as an example of a programme helping clinical and non-clinical staff develop the skills and knowledge to increase innovation.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Dr Jhonatan Bringas Dimitriades
CEO and Co-Founder
Lapsi Health | JBD HealthCare
Dr Tamsin Holland Brown
Delivery lead, Paediatric Lead
NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, ORCHA
United Kingdom
Prof Georgi Chaltikyan
Professor and Head of Digital Health
Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Minna-Maarit Ampio
Welfare Analyst & Clinical Research Nurse
Satakunta Hospital District