Mr Steve Gilbert OBE

Serious Mental Illness Living Experience Consultant and Anti-Racism Advisor
Steve Gilbert Consulting
United Kingdom

Supporting development & implementation of Anti-Racism approaches, informed by personal experiences of racism & mental illness.

Personal experiences

Experiences of racial discrimination and mental illness drive Steve’s work. A bi-racial child, Steve didn’t ‘fit in’. He soon understood that racism contributed to prevelance of serious mental illness on his father’s side of the family. Steve has extensive personal experiences of mental illness, including periods of depression, suicide attempts, and hospitalisation. He has a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and Complex PTSD- the result of psychological abuse in his early years through to adulthood. 


Notable roles

Appointed Vice Chair for the Mental Health Act Review Steve supported the chair in making recommendations to the Government, chairing the Service User and Carer group, and co-chairing the Black African Caribbean working group. 

Elected Co-Chair of the Mental Health Working Group (NHS Race and Health Observatory Board), he supports work to better understand the social determinants of racial mental health inequalities. 

Steve advises Thalamos to deliver patient centric approaches in their work to improve outcomes and experiences for people subject to the Mental Health Act.

Steve co-leads a team delivering an anti-discrimination approach at Kooth PLC, a leader in personalised digital mental health care. 


Trustee roles

Association of Mental Health Providers (March 2018 – current), supporting the development of the mental health voluntary & community sector.

Mind (Sept. 2017 – Oct 2021). Recently appointed to the Race Equity Committee, supporting delivery on commitments to strengthen race equity internally and externally.



Steve supports organisations to implement ambitious Anti-Racism programmes. 

Steve provides group & 1:1 coaching to support development of emerging anti-racism leaders.



Appointed OBE for services to mental health in 2019.


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