Welcome Keynote: Reshaping Health and Care to Put People First

As HIMSS’s flagship European conference meets in person for the first time in two years, our Welcome Keynote will celebrate resilience in the face of adversity and mark a new, collaborative era in healthcare across Europe and globally. This session, featuring live music by Finnish composer and pianist Iiro Rantala, is an opportunity to welcome delegates and discuss how key players across the health ecosystem can work together to deliver equitable, sustainable, genuinely person-centred care for a digital age. Putting the patient first, part one of this keynote will share visions of genuinely patient-centred health and care from stakeholders whose collaboration is essential to making it happen. Part two will take a radical view of how services can leverage data and technology advances to address, beyond a purely medical perspective, all the determinants impacting our health.


Learning objectives:

  • Discuss how key players across the health ecosystem can collaborate to deliver equitable, sustainable, person-centred care for a digital age.

  • Learn about visions of genuinely patient-centred health and care from stakeholders whose collaboration is essential to making it happen.

Session Details

June 14, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Dr Christos Christou
President International
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Mr Andrea Riposati
Co-Founder & CEO
Dante Genomics
Prof Sam Shah
Chief Medical Strategy Officer
United Kingdom
Mr Steve Gilbert OBE
Serious Mental Illness Living Experience Consultant and Anti-Racism Advisor
Steve Gilbert Consulting
United Kingdom
Mrs Tarja Stenvall
SVP, Key Markets, General Medicines
Juha Tuominen
Former Managing Director and Former CEO
Helsinki University Hospital
Monica Kleijn Evason
Patient Engagement Advocate
Theo Sergiou
Co-founder of BARTs Youth Forum, Award-Winning Patient Activist
NHS England Youth Forum
United Kingdom
Kirsi Pietiläinen
Gyllenberg Professor in Clinical Metabolism, Obesity Research Unit
HUS, University of Helsinki
Ms Elena Sini
GVM Care and Research