Ana Prado

Chief Clinical Information Officer

Ana Prado is an internal medicine consultant with over 17 years of clinical experience in the public and private sectors and, since 2019, has been chief clinical information officer of Grupo Lusíadas Saúde. From 2017 until 2021 she was chief medical information officer for Hospital Cascais, one of the groups' first accredited EMRAM stage 7 hospitals and is presently also CMIO of Hospital Lusiadas Lisboa. She has worked with both the clinical and IT teams of 3 of the groups' hospitals throughout their digital evolution journey, a great learning experience, that has allowed Lusiadas healthcare group to be the only one in Portugal with 3 EMRAM stage 7 hospitals. She is a member of the Board of Clinical Advisors of HIMSS Europe and has had the possibility of serving as external auditor in several EMRAM stage 7 validations in Europe and South America. She was a frontline physician during the Covid pandemic and is still a practicing physician in the ambulatory and emergency settings and enjoys teaching and guiding students and residents in the field of internal medicine.