Building Trust and Empowering the Health Workforce

Healthcare workers can often feel sceptical about the benefits of digital transformation. Concerns exist about the accuracy of algorithms, privacy issues, and the safety and fairness of technology. Plus, innovation can be seen to add a layer of administrative complexity to clinicians’ workflows or require time-consuming training which takes away from time spent with patients. For there to be meaningful change, clinicians need to be on board and convinced of the value of digitalisation. How can trust be established among healthcare workers to change attitudes and reduce hesitancy? This session will explore strategies to engage the workforce through building a collaborative mindset. It will also examine the issue of clinician burnout and how the introduction of new technology can either add to or reduce this pervasive problem. A panel of experts will discuss how clinicians should be involved in technology choices and deployments to make sure innovations support their focus on patient care.


Learning objectives:

  • Explore the barriers healthcare workers face in adopting new technology and how to make sure innovations support a focus on caregiving.
  • Learn strategies to build trust in the benefits of digital transformation among health workers and reduce hesitancy.
  • Understand the role of technology in either alleviating or increasing clinician burnout.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Supported by:


Ana Prado
Chief Clinical Information Officer
Niall McDonagh
Healthcare Sector Director Western Europe
Prof Georgi Chaltikyan
Professor and Head of Digital Health
Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Prof Felix Balzer
Director of the Institute for Medical Informatics and Chief Medical Information Officer
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin