Capitalising on Digitisation to Advance Value-Based Healthcare

With rapidly ageing populations and growing numbers of patients with chronic disease and comorbidities, value-based healthcare has been hailed as a solution to promoting quality and sustainability, while integrating social care and supporting public health. In this session, experts will look at how to move from the concept to implementation of value-based care and discuss the key to making value-based care models successful. They will shine a spotlight on some of the main difficulties in advancing value-based care, including some surprising headwinds that are currently slowing the pace of implementation. The session will also explore how the lack of data available is impacting progress and what can be done to help improve this. How does the variety of provider costs play into this all? Experts will also consider the importance of patient satisfaction to successful value-based care, looking at what happens when patients don’t buy in and exploring how to encourage patient engagement.

Learning outcomes:

  • Examine some of the main difficulties in implementing value-based care

  • Understand why patient satisfaction is key to advancing value-based care.

  • Learn about the factors that make value-based care models successful

Session Details

November 21, 2022
10:40 AM - 11:30 AM
Grand Hall B


Mr Khaled Sharaheli
Knowledge Intelligence Manager and Acting Transformation Director
Center for Value in Health - MOH
Saudi Arabia
Mr Gavin Mowling
Senior Strategy and Enterprise Risk Consultant
John Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, KSA
Saudi Arabia
Husein Reka
Senior Advisor
The Council of Health Insurance
Saudi Arabia
Dr Nasser Aljehani
Executive Director of Enablement and Supervision and Medical Director
The Council of Health Insurance
Saudi Arabia