Professional Development

Future-proofing Your Career: Developing AI Skills for Healthcare Professionals

Mobeen Lalani is a Senior Analyst, Technology and Venture Development, Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP), and currently serves as a member of the HIMSS Professional Development Committee.

Scoring Big with AI: Key Skills and Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into daily operations is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Just as elite basketball players like LeBron James and Stephen Curry continuously evolve their skills to stay at the top of their game, healthcare professionals must also adapt and grow their expertise to remain relevant and competitive. And, of course, if you’ve read my previous article, “From Good to Great: The Benefits of Continued Upskilling in Healthcare,” you probably now know I thoroughly enjoy using basketball references, so let’s keep it going. This article outlines essential AI skills and provides actionable steps for early and mid-career professionals to future-proof their careers.

Understanding the Game: Why AI Skills Matter

Imagine being a basketball player in today’s game who can only play in the paint. It’s almost unthinkable, acknowledging that today’s game is not only fast-paced but requires quick releases from the three-point line, and yes, centers are making threes, too. In the same way, being a professional working at the nexus of healthcare and technology without AI skills is limiting in today's data-driven world. AI technologies transform healthcare delivery, from predictive analytics and personalized medicine to operational efficiency and patient engagement. To keep pace with these advancements, it’s crucial to understand and integrate AI into your skillset.

AI Applications in Healthcare:

  • Predictive Analytics: Forecasting patient outcomes and operational trends.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Interpreting unstructured clinical data.
  • Machine Learning: Developing algorithms for diagnostic support and treatment recommendations.
  • Robotics Process Automation (RPA): Streamlining administrative processes.

You can read Sandeep Reddy’s article “The Impact of AI on the Healthcare Workforce: Balancing Opportunities and Challenges” to learn about various AI applications.

Training Camp: Building AI Competencies

Just as Stephen Curry practices shooting skills to achieve unparalleled accuracy, healthcare professionals working directly with technology, in any capacity, must develop specific AI competencies. Here are some tangible steps to enhance your AI skills:

  1. Educational Courses and Certifications:
    • Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on AI fundamentals, machine learning, and data analytics tailored for healthcare.
    • Certification Programs: To formalize your knowledge, consider obtaining certifications like the Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS®) or AI in Healthcare Specialization at your local academic institutions.
  2. Hands-On Practice:
    • Participate in AI Projects: Engage in real-world projects, such as developing predictive models for patient readmission or automating routine data management tasks.
    • Hackathons and Workshops: Join AI hackathons or workshops focused on healthcare to collaborate with experts and test your skills.
  3. Stay Updated with Industry Trends:

Game Plan: Strategic Career Moves

Like LeBron James, who continuously adapts his gameplay to remain dominant, strategically planning your career with AI integration is crucial.

  1. Seek Mentorship and Networking:
    • Find AI Experts: Connect with AI professionals in healthcare through LinkedIn or professional organizations like AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association).
    • Join AI Communities: Engage in forums and groups dedicated to AI in health to share knowledge and learn from peers.
  2. Embrace Cross-Functional Roles:
    • Collaborate Across Departments: Work with IT, data science, and clinical teams to better understand AI's impact on healthcare operations.
    • Pursue Self-driven Projects: Involve yourself in projects requiring AI and health expertise, such as developing patient care dashboards or implementing AI-driven clinical decision support systems.
  3. Develop Soft Skills:
    • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Hone these skills to interpret AI-driven insights and make informed decisions effectively.
    • Communication: Enhance your ability to explain complex AI concepts to non-technical stakeholders, ensuring smooth integration of AI solutions.

Future-proofing your career means embracing the transformative power of AI, much like how elite basketball players adapt their skills to the evolving demands of the sport. You can remain at the forefront of this exciting field by continuously learning, practicing, and strategically integrating AI into your professional life. As NBA all-stars demonstrate on the court, staying ahead requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to evolve.

Let’s break (personal) records.

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