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CPDHTS Certification


We are excited to announce that we have released score reports for everyone who participated in our beta testing program! We thank the over 100 individuals who helped us achieve this critical milestone for our program. We will be back soon to announce the date that the operational (final) exam will be published and when we will begin accepting new applications. If you would like to be notified when the new application goes live, or if you have any questions, please contact us at certification@himss.org.

Advance your digital health strategy career with Certified Professional in Digital Health Transformation Strategy (CPDHTS®) certification from HIMSS. Demonstrate your knowledge, competence, credibility, and commitment to your career and continuing education.

With this professional certification, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate that you meet an international standard of professional knowledge and competence in digital health transformation strategy and health strategy
  • Increase your credibility with your employer
  • Show your commitment and command for the subject matter in pursuit of continuing professional development

Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements can apply to take the certification exam.

Eligibility Requirements

To take the CPDHTS Exam and earn professional certification, you must either:

  • Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and
  • Have five years of information and management systems* experience, with three of those years in a healthcare setting**


  • Hold a graduate degree or higher from an accredited college or university and
  • Have three years of information and management systems* experience, with two of those years in a healthcare setting**


  • Have at least 10 years of information and management systems* experience, with eight of those years in a healthcare setting**

For detailed information on eligibility requirements, see the CPDHTS Candidate Handbook.

*Information and management systems experience includes work in systems analysis; design; selection, implementation, support and maintenance; testing and evaluation; privacy and security; information systems; clinical informatics; and management engineering.

**Healthcare settings include providers of health services or products to a healthcare facility (e.g., hospitals; healthcare consulting firms; vendors; federal, state or local government offices; academic institutions; payers; public health).

Preparing for the Exam

Start by reviewing the CPDHTS Candidate Handbook, which provides a detailed outline explaining the content and structure of the exam. It will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus your preparation.

HIMSS also offers materials to help you prepare, including webinars, review courses and books. Explore our CPDHTS Resources, Events page or email us for more information.

Application Process

We plan to begin accepting applications for the CPHDTS exam in early July. The CPDHTS Exam is delivered via a network of computer-based assessment centers around the world.

Submit Your Application

Applications will be reviewed for eligibility, and candidates will be contacted with instructions on how to make their testing reservation.

To locate the testing center nearest you, visit our testing partner website. Candidates will not be able to make a testing reservation until they have received an eligibility ID number.

Questions? Reach out to us at certification@himss.org

Taking the Exam

The CPDHTS Exam is a two-hour exam composed of 100 multiple-choice questions. It focuses on common knowledge and skills that have been identified as being important to competent practice through a job analysis in digital health transformation strategy and health strategy.

Exams are administered at Pearson VUE Testing Centers, at the candidate’s home or office through a remotely proctored internet-based platform, and at select HIMSS events, such as the HIMSS Global Health Conference.

All candidates must apply and receive an eligibility ID number before making a reservation to test. Candidates will receive information on how to retrieve their results before leaving the testing session.

CPDHTS Certification Fees

(All fees in U.S. dollars)

  • HIMSS Organizational Member: $1,259
  • HIMSS Individual, Corporate or Student Member: $1,369
  • Non-Member: $1,579
  • Extension: $129
  • Retake: $349
  • Renewal Member: $299
  • Renewal Non-Member: $399

Veterans Exam Fee Reimbursement

The certification exam fee is eligible for reimbursement for U.S. veterans. To be reimbursed, you must be eligible for the Montgomery G.I. Bill, Reserve Education Assistance Program, Veterans Education Assistance Program, or Dependents Educational Assistance programs. For more information about benefit and eligibility requirements, contact your assigned Veterans Affairs office or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Renew Your Professional Certification

Your CPDHTS certification must be renewed every two years. For more info, visit our Certification Renewal page.

Questions? Contact us at certification@himss.org.

Propel your career with HIMSS Digital Health Transformation resources.

We have a suite of strategic tools and detailed road maps that transform digital health, strengthening partnerships between providers and market suppliers. Learn more about the HIMSS Digital Health Transformation products and services. From our Maturity Models to the Digital Health Indicator (DHI) and Digital Health Technology Partner (DHTP) program we are your blueprint for digital health advancement.  

CPDHTS Resources

Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development