Digital Maturity: Goals and Roadmap

Governments throughout Europe are prioritising digital health transformation to underpin recovery from the COVID crisis. A key lesson from the pandemic was the pressing need to accelerate the digital maturity of health systems to improve the health and wellbeing of citizens. Initiatives are being backed by record levels of funding, but how can we evaluate their success? In this session, we will examine the measures of successful digital maturity driving transformation. What outcomes should we be striving for to maximise return on investment? How do we define a digitally mature hospital or health system? Experts will set the scene, looking at developments in digital maturity benchmarking across the European region and key elements of assessment. We will discuss the fundamental requirements of a whole system transformation covering workforce engagement, digital maturity metrics and how to overcome the major roadblocks to successfully transforming to a digitally mature healthcare landscape.


Learning outcomes:

  • Learn how a broader look on digital maturity can not only improve clinical and financial but also build the resilience of health systems.
  • Explore how we can measure the success of digital initiatives driving transformation in healthcare.
  • Examine developments in digital maturity benchmarking across the European region and key elements of assessment.


Duplex with Paris

Session in collaboration with the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

*This event is not organized by the French government. However, the organizer has been authorized by the French government to use the official logo of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Endorsed by

MIN Solidarites Sante
Logo of presidency

Supported by:



Dominique Pon
Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse
David Labajo
Vice President
GE Healthcare Digital Sales
Prof Sam Shah
Chief Medical Strategy Officer
United Kingdom
Mr Thomas Renner
Head of Directorate Digitalization & Innovation
Federal Ministry of Health
Prof Sylvia Thun
Director Core Facility Digital Medicine and Interoperability
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH)
Dr Ilona Lundström
Director General
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland