New Year's Resolutions: Shaping the Next Decade in Healthcare

We are one year into a new decade and what a year it’s been. The pandemic turned healthcare on it’s head and accelerated innovation like never before. To help make sense of this past year, we’ve brought together innovation leaders to discuss what they think should be healthcare’s 2021 resolutions and what trends and technology they expect will be most beneficial and shape the next decade health and care.

What’s working, and what’s not? How do we make people healthier for the least amount of money? How do we make healthcare more relationship-based and less transactional? In short, how do we create a patient-centered and compassionate healthcare system that enables patients to reach their health and wellness goals?

Session Details

January 14, 2021
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM


Reenita Das
Partner & SVP Transformational Health
Frost & Sullivan
United States
Anupam Vats
Senior Director, Customer Experience Strategy and Portfolio Management
United States
Paul Apen
Chief Business & Operations Officer
E Ink Corporation
Rasu Shrestha
Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer
Atrium Health