Shop Talk: Managing 3rd Parties and Picking Your Battles

CISOs Dan Bowden and Sanjeev Sah along with Virtustream’s Chief Trust and Security Officer Pritesh Parekh sit down in this session and talk shop, providing insights to help attendees better address two topics that come up regularly in healthcare security circles: 3rd party risk management and communicating risk to leadership.

The speakers will call on their years of experience and provide practical advice for choosing vendor partners, including cloud service providers. They’ll also address how to discuss security with department and executive leadership and how spread the responsibility for 3rd party risk throughout the organization.

Key discussion points

  • Best practices for evaluating vendor partners.
  • How to make 3rd party risk management an organizational responsibility.
  • Communicating risk to internal and executive leadership.

Session Details

December 8, 2020
12:54 PM - 1:20 PM


Pritesh Parekh
Chief Trust and Security Officer
Sanjeev Sah
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
Centura Health
United States
Dan Bowden
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
Sentara Healthcare
United States