Unlocking the Future of AI

As richer, more varied data floods into health systems, AI will be increasingly relied upon to turn it into actionable insights. How can AI support more precise research and development in healthcare, resulting in better outcomes, lower costs and greater efficiencies? This session will explore the use cases for AI and data analytics for healthcare in the future. We will also explore solutions to key barriers to wider adoption such as governance, trust, explainability and data bias.


Learning outcomes:

  • Discuss how AI can support more precise planning and delivery of healthcare and disease prevention in the future.
  • Examine radical uses for AI in the future.
  • Explore solutions to key blockers to the wider adoption of AI, such as trust, explainability and data bias.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Supported by

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Naomi Lee
Senior Executive Editor
The Lancet, Vice Chair at ITU/WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health
United Kingdom
Dr Sampsa Vanhatalo
Professor in Physiology, Director
BABA center, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital
Mr Atif Chaughtai
Global Healthcare Market Leader
Red Hat
United States
Prof Karol Sikora
Chief Medical Officer
Rutherford Health
United Kingdom