Mr Atif Chaughtai

Global Healthcare Market Leader
Red Hat
United States

Atif Chaughtai brings 20+ years experience in information technology with a focus on Healthcare and Life Sciences.  At Red Hat, Chaughtai oversees the healthcare vertical solutions, ensuring both industry business needs and emerging requirements align to the Red Hat portfolio.  He is an active participant on various Healthcare and Life Sciences standards committees. 

Prior to joining Red Hat, Chaughtai held positions in healthcare IT as Chief Technologist and Healthcare Ecosystem Executive, including running P&L for a global software organization.  At the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Chaughtai served as an Enterprise Architect.  His work at NIH included streamlining grants management and clinical research programs while ensuring HIPAA compliance.  He was recognized multiple times for his contribution to the NIH’s mission. Chaughtai has two patents for his work in information delivery in low latency and low bandwidth environments.