Virtual Care Embedded in New Hybrid Models

It is essential that virtual care is embedded into mainstream services in a way that enhances – rather than replaces - traditional modalities. In this session, experts will examine how the various forms of virtual care are being integrated into existing care pathways, creating new, hybrid models of connected care. How can providers and clinicians achieve the optimal blend of traditional in-person services and digital, ensuring safety, improved clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction? Beyond the technology, this session will focus on the workforce skills required to maximise the use of virtual care in this new hybrid approach to care that seeks to achieve the perfect blend of digital and in-person consultation. It is also vital to ensure that services meet the needs of all users and that user centricity remains at the heart of all virtual care objectives. Speakers will also discuss patients’ attitude towards and adoption of virtual care and how they can be activated and empowered.


Learning outcomes:


  • Examine how various forms of virtual care are being embedded into existing care pathways, creating hybrid models of connected care.

  • Learn how providers and clinicians can achieve the optimal blend of traditional in-person services and digital.

  • Understand patients’ attitude towards and adoption of hybrid care models.

Session Details

November 20, 2022
9:40 AM - 10:30 AM
Grand Hall B

Supported by:


Dr Mohammed Alhamali
Director of Innovation and Business Development
Digital Health Center of Excellence, Ministry of Health
Saudi Arabia
Dr Abdulaziz S. Alhomod
Chief Medical Officer
Seha Virtual Hospital
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Awada
Telehealth Director
United Arab Emirates
Hoda Wahba
Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder
Ain Shams University
Dr Osama El Hassan
Specialist, Health Informatics & Smart Health Dept
Dubai Health Authority
United Arab Emirates
Dr Robin Ohannessian
Co-founder and CEO
Telemedecine 360 and Telemonica