Simplifying the Process for Scheduling a HIMSS Advocacy Meeting with a Legislator

Dear Advocacy Enthusiast,

Welcome to the Advocacy 101 series, focusing on scheduling a meeting for HIMSS advocacy with a legislator. I'm Joe Chapa, and I'm thrilled to have you here!

If you're at this stage, you likely have a list of legislators you need to connect with to set up a meeting. Whether it's your first local visit or one in Washington DC, let's delve into the essential steps to prepare.

  1. Researching Your Legislator: Begin by identifying your local representative or relevant legislator. Websites and official government pages are easily accessible, aiding in finding contact details.

  2. Contacting the Legislator's Office: Visit the legislator's website, and usually towards the bottom, you'll find their contact details. Focus on the office closest to you. Reach out to their scheduler—the crucial link to securing a meeting.

  3. Making the Initial Call: When calling the office, ask for the scheduler by name. If transferred to voicemail, ensure you have their name and correct spelling for your follow-up.

  4. Voicemail and Elevator Pitch: If leaving a voicemail, mention you'll follow up via email. If transferred, be ready with a concise elevator pitch about HIMSS and your request.

  5. Follow-Up Email: After leaving a voicemail or having a conversation with the scheduler, send a follow-up email outlining your meeting request, including the purpose and proposed follow-up date.

  6. Crafting a Compelling Request: In the email subject line, use "Request for Meeting" and include a compelling aspect related to HIMSS. Ensure a succinct and persuasive request, incorporating why the meeting is essential and the number of HIMSS members in their district.

  7. Adding a Personal Touch: While representing HIMSS, infuse a personal touch by aligning your message with the legislator's values and motivations, researched through their public stances and background.

  8. Building the Relationship: Introduce yourself and HIMSS to legislators during various interactions, laying the foundation for a relationship that goes beyond your immediate needs.

  9. Leave-Behind Materials: Prepare a one-page informative leave-behind, condensing key messages, your ask, and background on HIMSS. Keep it succinct and impactful for maximum effectiveness.


Remember, building relationships and conveying a persuasive message are key to successful advocacy. Good luck with your advocacy endeavors!


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