Mr Gilbert Bod

ICT-Manager Strategic Alliances
UMC Utrecht

Gilbert Bod is IT manager Strategic Alliances of the University Medical Centre of Utrecht (UMCU) in the Netherlands. The  Erasmus Medical Center since August 2015. He is responsible for IT and medical technology. In this role, he guides Erasmus MC in the digital journey towards a smart hospital. The UMCU wants to create the heathcare of tomorrow with our care partners to deliver the best integrated care to patients, where they are in control of theire own carepath. And the UMCU has defined that every citizen in our region adds 3 healthy years to his/her life, by collaborating on research and preventive care inititives.

Gilbert is driving the IT innovations in collaboration with regional partners, vendors and national organisations to support the goals of the UMCU. He started his career by the royal dutch navy, but switched in 2002 to become a IT director of a top clinical hospital in Amsterdam. There he set the ambition to drive IT to support the care proffesional, so that the patient get the best possible treatment he needs. Before 2016 he was a responsibele for the technical EMR implementation of the two academic hospitals in Amsterdam, who implemented the Epic EMR togehther.