Nederland in Beweging

There has been a lot of movement within healthcare over the last couple of years. During the pandemic, it became clear that lots of healthcare solutions could be developed and implemented much quicker than before, regarding digital health, collaborations between healthcare institutions and the use of (patient) data. During the Dutch pre-conference session on Tuesday, a variety of experts will elaborate on these topics, and tell us more about their experiences in the field. The focus will be on regional, national but also the international perspective. Topics such as secondary use of data, the digital role in solving workforce issues and reducing the administrative burden for professionals.This session will include speakers such as Simon Vermeer (Chief Information Officer, Erasmus MC) and Gilbert Bod (ICT-manager, UMC Utrecht). There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during and after the workshop, as well as during the Holland House networking session that same day.

Closed session for Dutch delegation.

Session Details

June 14, 2022
1:00 PM - 3:45 PM


Mr Iman Merison
Manager Information Policy Directorate
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands
Mr Gilbert Bod
ICT-Manager Strategic Alliances
UMC Utrecht
Mr Simon Vermeer
CIO | Director Information & Technology
Erasmus MC
Ms Sofie van der Meulen
Health and Data Law Expert
Markus Kalliola
Project Director, Health Data 2030
The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra