Mr Widi Salim

Digital Health Advisor
HIMSS Analytics

Widi is a Digital Advisor in the HIMSS Analytics Asia-Pacific team, based in Singapore. He is currently working on digital health transformation projects across the region including in Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong and Japan. He has specific expertise in IT business analyst and is certified project manager with over seven years of experience working in the
Healthcare IT industry.

Prior to joining HIMSS, He spent six months as a technology engineer with Micron and before those six years with IHiS (Integrated Health Information Systems), Ministry of Health Singapore’s Healthtech agency as a systems analyst. During his tenure with IHiS, Widi was part of team responsible to deliver the Next Generation Electronic Medical Record (NGEMR) project, a nationwide project which aims to review and harmonise diverse IT systems in Singapore to achieve one single consolidated system standardised for all healthcare institutions. The healthcare institutions that have deployed NGEMR during first wave of the project go-live have managed to achieve EMRAM Stage 6 and Stage 7.

He holds a Master of Science (Information Systems) and a Bachelor of Engineering (Information Engineering and Media) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.