The Power of Digital Transformation for Global Health Equity

New and innovative digital technologies provide the public health domain with exciting opportunities to improve the health of citizens globally. Harnessing the potential of data analytics, AI, and digital interventions can help to prevent disease, empower citizens with appropriate health information, and achieve universal healthcare. This session will focus on the emerging sector of digital public health and how evolving digital maturity is changing the face of how public health is delivered globally. Experts will explore if systems are ready for this challenge and how we can assess digital maturity in the sector of public health. How can information and technology be used to build more equitable health systems without amplifying health inequalities? With inspiring examples of digital initiatives implemented for some of the most vulnerable populations, we examine how merging digital solutions with traditional public health initiatives can lead to improved health for citizens globally.


Learning outcomes:

  • Discuss best ways to promote global health equity in the public health domain.
  • Examine how the power of data analytics, AI, and digital interventions can help to prevent disease, empower citizens with appropriate health information, and achieve universal healthcare.
  • Learn from examples of digital initiatives which have been implemented for some of the most vulnerable populations.

Session Details

June 16, 2022
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM


Laura Maass
Doctoral Researcher, Member of the Steering Committee
Leibniz Science Campus, European Public Health Association (EUPHA), Section Digital Health
Dr Bilal Mateen
Senior Manager, Digital Technology & Clinical Technology Lead
Wellcome Trust
United Kingdom
Dr Mahima Venkateswaran
Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Bergen, Global Health Cluster, Division for Health Care Services
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Prof Jeffrey V. Lazarus
Associate Research Professor, Head of the Health Systems Research Group
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)