Data and Technology-Driven Integrated Care for Older Populations

The World Health Organisation's (WHO) Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People propose evidence-based recommendations for healthcare professionals to prevent, slow or reverse decline in the physical and mental capacities of older people. These recommendations require countries to place the needs and preferences of older adults at the centre, coordinating care towards healthy ageing. In this session, experts will explore how the care of older populations has been improved by increasing integration of the social, primary and secondary care sectors, along with better communication between multidisciplinary teams, remote care in the community and a more seamless continuum of care for chronic diseases. Housing, care, support in the community and the social determinants of health (SDOH) will be discussed with examples of inspiring initiatives to promote independent living and prevent deterioration.


Learning Objectives

  •  Understand how to promote independent living and prevention of deterioration in older populations.
  • Explore the impact of the social determinants of health, housing, care and support in community on healthy ageing.
  • Create a vision for the future with the objective of healthy ageing for all citizens.


Session Details

June 15, 2022
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Dr Minna Komu
Network Director
Oulu Health
Miss Fran Beadle
Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
Digital Health and Care Wales, NHS Wales
United Kingdom
Mrs Jaarika Jarviste
Head of Development
Estonian Health Insurance Fund
Mr Hassan Chaudhury
Global Digital Health Specialist, Healthcare UK, Dep for Int'l Trade
Uk Dept for International Trade, HIMSS Global Innovation Committee
United Kingdom
Prof Mahmood Adil
Advisor to H E Minister of Public Health (Qatar) & Clinical Data & Digital Lead (RCPE, UK)
Ministry of Public Health (Qatar) & Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (UK)