Mr Hassan Chaudhury

Global Digital Health Specialist, Healthcare UK, Dep for Int'l Trade
Uk Dept for International Trade, HIMSS Global Innovation Committee
United Kingdom

Hassan is Co-Chair of the HIMSS Innovation Committee for 2022. He is also the Global Digital Health Specialist for Healthcare UK at the UK Government, curating the national offer in digital health and providing expertise for the UK Government and its embassy commercial network across 96 countries to help secure global trade deals.

His background is in front line social work, NHS informatics and public health. He was later a founder at Health iQ - an award-winning real world evidence agency, and held CIO and Chief Commercial Officer positions before its acquisition and his exit in 2019.

He currently holds a range of academic, mentor, committee and advisory positions in digital health and innovation. These include as Visiting Lecturer at UCL Global Business School for Health, Honorary Researcher at Imperial College London, Editorial Board Member of The International Journal of Digital Health, Mentor for the NHS Innovation Accelerator and Interim Commercial Director at DATA-CAN.